So today I really started packing for my trip. I have to say that this is the first time that I've felt like my suitcase is too light or even empty. I'm usually one of the people sitting on the suitcase to close it. What's different this time? A shorter trip...I guess. Maybe I've gotten better at leaving stuff behind. And wonder of wonders, I'm leaving my computer at will I survive, you ask? It helps that my dad has at least four computers in the house at all times. I'm sure I can steal one for a couple weeks. Usually I just take over mom's. (^_^) When using someone else's computer I do miss all of my settings though.

I don't know if I'll have a chance to blog again before I go, so I'll give you a preview of the scheduled activities. I'll arrive on Monday (I'll be time travelling, you know... I'll leave Japan at 4:10 PM March 19th and arrive in Houston at 1:50 PM March 19th, doesn't it just boggle your mind?). Tuesday I have an appointment with the dentist and my brother. My brother will possibly accompany me to the my chauffeur, of course. What? You don't have a chauffeur? Well, I only have one for dentist appointments. Then I'll meet my special Wednesday friend (you know who you are!). I'm not exactly sure about Thursday yet, but Friday is my E's birthday. And she's having a party! Yay! Other than that... I'm not exactly sure about all of the festivities, but surely they will be festive! I'll fly back here the next Thursday... I'll be time travelling again, but this time, into the future. Then I'll start the new school year on the second...the kids don't come till the fourth though.
The picture is of the school's choir practicing for the school festival we had last September. I ended up singing A Whole New World with them.
