久しぶり! (Hisashiburi!) Long time no see, or write or whatever... So, a quick recap of what's happened in the last couple weeks. I went to the states; I caught a cold a couple of days before going and had it about half the time I was there. Besides that, I had a great time visiting with my family and friends (and going to the dentist, eye doctor and regular doctor), and though there was a great loss in my family just after I returned to Japan, I got a chance to say my goodbyes. I'm really grateful that I did.

Since getting back, school has started up again. There was a big ceremony to welcome the new kids and about a week of orientation... during which there was no class and due to that, nothing for me to do. I imagine that the first week of school is the most exciting for the kids, but it's definitely the most boring for me. After that first week, we had about two days of classes and then the 3rd/9th graders went on their school trip to Kyoto and Nara for 3 days with a fourth day of rest. Subsequently, I had another week of nothing.

In the middle of all of that, I went car shopping and decided on buying a new car instead of a used one. I went to the place that my boyfriend's second cousin works at and picked a Daihatsu MOVE. I wasn't really a fan of the car to begin with...the older versions anyway. Two of my friends have one. But i really like the new model. It's less boxy and for a "Kei" car, it's really big. A "Kei" car is like a super compact car. They get special colored license plates and everything. The tax is a lot cheaper too. I'll actually be getting it this next Sunday. I'm really excited; it's my first car, you know. Anyway, I'll be sure to take lots of pictures. (^_^)
The picture is really dark and kind of hard to see, but I forgot to take many while I was in town. Oh... If you can't tell who it is, it's me and my best friend at the Black Eyed Pea (I had to get my fried okra fix!).
