TVs, washing machines and MY brand new microwave/oven/grill/ toaster!
That's it... I really should have taken before/after shots... there are some old pictures somewhere I think. I'll save that for another time.
Even though a lot of people didn't come, we actually did pretty well. We were completely on our own this time too, just the four of us. Usually a Hitachi Rep. comes to support us, but there was some big thing in Matsumoto and no one was available.
With MY new microwave thingy, I baked muffins and cookies and grilled chicken. I made oatmeal cookies... they don't really have oatmeal cookies in Japan, so I got several requests for the recipe. Everyone was very impressed with the things that my new thingy can do, and two people bought a cheaper and slightly smaller version. Yay! My mother-in-law got a new sewing machine and had it out to display and we ended up selling three!
I was all ready to take my new thingy upstairs and start using it, but H said that we should leave it in the shop a bit longer. (T_T) But I wanna play with it! Wahhh... OK, I'm done. I'll make him take it upstairs for me by the end of the month.
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