House Building - Day 106 (and the dentist)

So, fun news first... the outer walls of the house are finished!! It's really hard to take pictures of because they have blue tarps up covering most of the construction site.  I got a couple of pictures of the walls on each side to compare the color in different light.
Allen's version of "peace"

Window by the front door.

Southeast corner.

And the not so fun news for the day is... I went to the dentist for a final check of the recent dental work that I had done and ended up getting an old filling drilled out and then some.  Most of my tooth is gone and he wants to make sure the cavity hasn't reached the nerve, so the dentist put some medicine and temporary filler in.  I have to go back in a month or if it really starts to hurt.  I apparently have about a millimeter left of my tooth before reaching the nerve and it might be necessary to take out the nerve entirely.  Not what I was expecting when I went in this morning.
