I have a bed!! It came yesterday with my new desk and comfortable chair. Of course I have yet to see any of them since they're at our new place, the second floor of the shop. Our bath tub/shower got put in on Friday, and I think Tomo-chan, our carpenter, will be coming back to give us a door this or next week! It's wonderful to see actual progress being done. I went on Saturday to clean the are the bed would go, and I'll probably go and do another area this weekend. Maybe my desk area. I have to put the desk together too. If the door gets done by the weekend, I could actually do the whole room. We'll see. Then I could start thinking about decorating. When I steal the pictures from hubs, I'll try to post some of the progress so far. I even took a "before" panorama.
So my replacement has been decided, and I was even invited to the interview. In my place, there will be a 198 cm (6 ft 6 in) tall Australian of Malaysian decent who seems to be an awesome teacher. I'm kind of excited for my students to get someone as interesting as he seems. I actually felt rather ordinary and boring sitting across the interview table from him.
Speaking of my replacement, I finished the first draft of the manual. My head teacher is reading it and checking it for me. She already found one mistake, in the Japanese no less. I still have to write in the 'Notes' section in the back though.

In other news, I got rid of two hole boxes of clothes! And I didn't have to throw them away. I finally found a recycle shop that takes anything and everything. The last place I found gave me back the stuff they didn't think they could sell, but this place took everything and paid me by the weight. Of course the nicer stuff that they thought they could sell for more was separated and I got more money for those. I'm just happy to get rid of the clothes; I would have donated them if there was anywhere around here to do that. I only really went through my winter clothes though. I'll have to go through my summer clothes after we move. I should probably go through the books too. Nah, I'll procrastinate a little longer.
